Slow Morning Editorial

Art Director | Photo

This shoot was inspired by a dream I had of gathering all of my favorite things and working with a creative team to capture them during the best part of the day… a slow morning. I love to wake up and spend the first bit of the day journaling, sipping some good coffee and looking up to notice the best parts of being in that moment. A rainbow casted on the wall when the sun shines through my glass candle, the steam rising from my cup, the leaves swaying in the wind. It is the most inspiring space in my life. 

With a couple of amazing collaborators, we took over a Brooklyn Brownstone for a day and transformed it into my slow morning dream. I selected products from a few of my favorite brands to feature: bedding from Parachute Home, decor from Roman & Williams Guild, Virginia Sin, Crate & Barrel and West Elm. We also added very personal bits into the spaces including a wish box my little sister made me, love notes, Lauren’s Dad’s old screen printing scraps, a llama my boyfriend rolled his eyes at me buying but that I simply had to have. Which became the star of the shoot, actually, so buy what you love, people! 

The theme was: little moments you can only notice if you are slowly enjoying, a field of flowers with neutral ground and bright pops of color, light splashes on a wall, sentimental items collected and cherished, buying what you love and letting your space hold you.

Creative Team:  Lauren Ringer, Paul Maklary

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